• Betterhumans
    Extend healthy maximum human lifespan.
    Greatly reduce the risk of disease.
  • Current Research
    Human Pilot Studies
    Stem cell research
    Gene-editing experiments
    to delay aging & rejuvenate vital organs


Betterhumans Inc, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt Florida non-profit, is the world’s first
specifically-transhumanist bio-medical research organization.




Scientific Research


Delay Aging

  • Betterhumans has a long history in the field of transhumanism. It was started as an educational website (www.betterhumans.com) in mid-2001 and evolved to become a popular website presenting ideas and news about Exponential Technologies. It ceased operating as a website around late 2008, when h+ Magazine took over its functions. Betterhumans, which then included James Clement and Dan Stoicescu, produced five bi-monthly issues of the transhumanist-tech magazine h+ with RU Sirius as Editor.
    This new iteration of Betterhumans is the most aggressive yet. We will shortly be putting out new information about how ordinary people can modify their diet and lifestyle to take advantage of some of the latest findings in scientific research. Our research team is focused on bringing cutting-edge scientific discoveries from the lab to the clinic, so that humanity can take advantage of these breakthroughs in a safe and inexpensive manner, as quickly as possible.

Our Vision

Betterhumans Inc. is the latest iteration of this concept. Operating as a Florida
non-profit corporation, the short-term goals of Betterhumans are extending healthy
maximum human lifespan and greatly reducing the risk of disease.
All discoveries will be offered under a Creative Commons Public Patent License, or equivalent.

betterhumans mission
betterhumans mission
betterhumans mission
betterhumans mission

We have assembled a stellar scientific advisory board to help guide our effort.

Current Research

In 2015, Betterhumans received funding from the Methuselah Foundation
to carry out stem cell research and gene-editing experiments, with the
express intention of delaying aging and rejuvenating vital organs.

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